Accelerating the First 90 Days — Make it count!
A resilient person does not stop when it is done, it continues.
I have been working professionally since 2014 and has been exposed to a Non-profit organization, Management Consulting, and Technology Companies. Those companies have different culture, working environment, job description, leaders, and location. The similarity of every company that I have been through is my ways toward facing the first 90 days and how to accelerate the journey.
Starting a new role can be a daunting prospect for some of us. You will likely have lots of questions and concerns running on your mind “Will I be able to manage the workload? Will I fit into the team? Am I going to be able to learn the ropes quickly and effectively?” Yeah! That is what on my mind every time I join a new company. Here are my top tips to face your first 90 days!
Setting Up the Expectations with your line managers. I usually request my line manager to have a one-on-one meeting and talk about the expectation, to know what is it that the line manager expected from the job and to you. An expectation is like a vision for your mission. Not setting the right expectation means doing a blurry action. Most importantly, I always set a self-expectation. Remember, the expectation is the key!
Getting to know the culture and the people is the next important bucket list. It is through the people and demonstrating to others that you are a good cultural fit. I took my time carefully to get to know the people, the values and ethos of the company, so I can ensure I am are the perfect match for the company so does the company for me. It is always a symbiosis mutualism principal. Not to mention, building a new friendship will benefit a good supporting system in the long run.
Adjusting with a new way of working, adapting to the core value takes time. I always watch and learn from my surrounding, my peers, and the leaders. They have been working in the company than you, so watch on how they do things, ask if you do not understand and never assume, and learn from the best. Monkey see monkey do!
As you will enjoy your adaptation moment in the company, time flies fast and it is the time for you to build rapport! Do create a self-assessment for yourself (what have I learn, what have I done, what should I improve, etc) and always open to feedback. Stay focus on your mission and do not get distracted.
Trust me, 90 days might seem like a long time, but the time runs fast. By the time you face the final reviews, you will know right away that your 90 days done.
But the story does not need to stop here, it continues. It not only the first 90 days.
What makes it counts is your skills, behavior, the passion poison that you combine with your strengths and willingness to continue, that is what makes you a resilient person.
A resilient person does not stop when it is done, it continues. So does my story, I did not stop here, I continue my journey and embracing the upcoming one.
Good luck to you who just started the new phase of level up! Steady, Go!