Adaptability and Agility.
The meaning of the ‘next step’ and it only has 2 scenarios: the best and the worst.
Years ago, I was learning that excellent score and scholarship award could bring me to the door but barely gave me enough cues and pointers on how to find the path in the world behind the door. I was lucky to find wisdom from my managers and colleagues, various experiences from various fields that I’ve been involved in, and most of all, from mistakes and failures along the way.
From the latter, I realized the meaning of the ‘next step’ and it only has 2 scenarios: the best and the worst. The status quo will always be temporary, time won’t let us be just standing there.
In the face of what may come, ‘adaptability’ is one word I instill to myself, and as the leader of ALTO’s Operation, this value is important to be exercised within my team. Aligned with ALTO’s core value, Challenge Status Quo; we always encourage people to never stop exploring better solutions.
As adaptability can also be perceived as agile, another important value for me is ‘prudent’. When the worst scenario happened, being prudent is what keeps the company standing strong. In my opinion, Operations shall exercise agility but it could only bring us forward when being accompanied by being prudent, which also goes along with ALTO value to Act Responsibly.
Agility makes us comfortable in the face of complexity, so we could act on the fittest solution, furthermore prudent makes us develop thorough judgment for any of both possible future scenarios in the face of uncertainty.
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. it is the one that is most adaptable to change.
Charles Darwin